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The Stress Mastery Podcast: Living Right with Bill Cortright

Dec 31, 2018

Hello and Welcome back to another week of The Stress Mastery Podcast. This week our topic is “The Roadblock’s to Success” and this Motivation Monday we will address Roadblock #1 Habits. Real change can only happen by changing one’s actions on a regular basis. Our actions are dictated by our habits. As you will...

Dec 28, 2018

In today’s episode Bill continues the book study of Osho’s book “Emotional Wellness.” In this show we are in the section Cloud Watching. In this section Osho speaks on becoming an observer of one’s thoughts. In this process, he teaches that we need to detach from both good and bad thoughts if we are to...

Dec 27, 2018

Hello and Welcome back to another episode of The Stress Mastery Podcast. In today’s Connection Thursday episode, we will discuss just what is the Mind-Body-Spirit connection. Also, we will look take a close look at what disrupts this connection. Every child is born into a belief system and it is the Tribalization...

Dec 26, 2018

Hello and Welcome back to another episode of The Stress Mastery Podcast. In today’s Meeting of the Minds episode we will discuss the steps of reconnecting to our-self. To do this we must first understand why we are so disconnected? As humans we are wired for survival and it is about working with our survival DNA that...

Dec 25, 2018

Hello and Welcome to another episode of The Stress Mastery Podcast. Today’s Health Huddles we will be discussing the Higher Connection of The Pause-Plan Response and how it affects our health. Our longevity, well-being, and health is determined by keeping our body in a natural state of stasis. The Pause-Plan Lifestyle...