Apr 30, 2022
This week in the Stress Mastery Podcast our topic is “Prestige” and in this Stress Mastery Podcast - Weekend Edition Saturday episode, Coach Peggy will be closing out the week by discussing her take on Prestige.
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Apr 29, 2022
Today we continue our book study “Courage is Calling by Ryan Holiday. We are continuing Part One-Fear. In this section “Never Question Another Man’s Courage” Ryan discusses the stoic view on judging another person based on their actions when in truth we don’t know what they were struggling with within. We can...
Apr 28, 2022
This week’s Topic is Prestige and today’s Connection Thursday we are discussing “Allowing Prosperity.” In this episode we put prosperity into the full scope of our lives. We observe prosperity and how it affects all Five Life Categories. Allowing prosperity is the process of expansion and as we will discuss this...
Apr 27, 2022
This week’s topic is Prestige and today’s Meeting of the Minds we are discussing Glamorization and how it drives unconscious behavior. Why is drinking alcohol okay and using drugs frowned upon? Why are teens consuming more junk food toady than ever before? Why do we spend hours on social media defending our favorite...
Apr 26, 2022
This week’s topic is Prestige and today’s Health Huddles we are discussing a problem that plagues many of us…Fatigue. The number one complaint in doctors’ offices is fatigue followed by stress. Yet fatigue is a symptom so what is the cause? In this episode we will dive into the cause of fatigue and how this...