Aug 31, 2017
In today’s episode Bill explains how the Fear Energy pulls us out of focus and sabotages our personal growth. While climbing your mountain you need to be able to focus on the step that is before you, fear derails this step and knocks you off your climb.
This is the place to take control of stress and all aspects...
Aug 30, 2017
In today’s episode Bill gives two very important tools when it comes to living a Focused Life. First, setting your day with the Green Focus Power Hour and how it puts us in the Green Zone to start the day. Second, The Green Focus Management Program, which allows you to live focused and in the Green Zone.
This is the...
Aug 29, 2017
Understanding the Red Zone vs. Green Zone when it comes to finding focus is essential. Our brain is wired for survival and the response that is tied directly to this is the stress response. It is our diet that becomes the REAL magic tool of Finding Focus. Today Bill gets into the workings of our diet and how it ties to...
Aug 28, 2017
This week we will be discussing the art of finding focus. In today’s episode Bill, Finding Focus, he discusses why we have such trouble with focus and how focus is a natural attribute once we understand how the survival responses affect the brain and focus. Before we buy expensive courses, hire the gurus, we need to...
Aug 26, 2017
This is the first of The Stress Mastery Podcast BONUS episodes an interview with the amazing Bruce Van Horn.
This is the place to take control of stress and all aspects of your life. Thank you for the subscribes, shares, and downloads.