Sep 30, 2021
There is a process that a human being must go through in becoming present. First step is to SLOW-DOWN and detach from the story of the Ego. Second we must create a Still Point so we can become the observer of the story the Ego is streaming. Third the human being must create a Shift through Self-Authoring their programs....
Sep 29, 2021
This week’s topic is “Find the Now’ and today’s Meeting of the Minds we discuss the life and works of spiritual guru Eckhart Tolle. I expand on Tolle’s life story that led to him becoming enlightened. We then dive into 20 profound teachings of Eckhart Tolle and how they relate to my Boomer generation and...
Sep 28, 2021
This week’s topic is Finding the Now and today’s Health Huddles we are discussing Presence and Health. What does being present have to do with health? Answer EVERYTHING! In this episode I will discuss the absolute function and operation of the human being and how it is actually impossible to create a state...
Sep 27, 2021
Hello and welcome back to another week here at the Stress Mystery Podcast. I am your host David the Super Millennial. This week on the stress mastery podcast our topic is "Finding The Now" and today episode of Monday’s with the Super Millennial we’re going to discuss Find The Now While Using...
Sep 26, 2021
This week in the Stress Mastery Podcast our topic is “Finding the Now” and in this Stress Mastery Podcast - Weekend Edition Sunday episode, Mark will be discussing “Past, Present and Future.”
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