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The Stress Mastery Podcast: Living Right with Bill Cortright

May 31, 2018

In this episode, Bill and David continue the weeks focus on Suffering with an episode on the split of the I of Ego and the I of Self. One of the most powerful things we can do in life is to Know Thy-Self. Most of us go through life in a cloud of identification and this cloud causes the split that makes us suffer.


May 30, 2018

In this episode, Bill and David dive deep into the WANT that the Ego grasps on too in order to survive. This WANT is the WANT of Control and it weaves its way through our lives to keep us asleep. We attempt to control life and this keeps the Ego in control and blocks all peace in our lives.

This is the place to take...

May 29, 2018

In this episode, Bill and David continue the weeks focus on Suffering by discussing “The Biology of Suffering.” Suffering is an Egoic energy that locks us into the Red Zone which causes a breakdown in our natural biological processes. Bill will explain how suffering and its energy affects the body thus as above so...

May 28, 2018

Hello and welcome to another week of The Stress Mastery Podcast. This week the focus will be “Suffering.” In today’s episode Bill and David discuss why we suffer? It seems that suffering is part of life but in actuality it’s not part of who we really are. We were not born to suffer, as you will learn we...

May 25, 2018

In today’s episode Bill and David continue the book study of The Power of Heart Language. Continuing Chapter Four, The Habitude of Spreading Encouragement. In this section of the chapter, Monte teaches us the some sample statements of using encouragement in different areas of our lives.

This is the place to take...