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The Stress Mastery Podcast: Living Right with Bill Cortright

Jan 31, 2019

Hello and Welcome to another episode of The Stress Mastery Podcast. This week our topic is Connecting The Heart and today’s Connection Thursday lets discuss The Essence of a Spiritual Life. Living a spiritual life is simply living without want. The Ego is comprised of the four wants and it is this energy that keeps us...

Jan 30, 2019

Hello and Welcome to another episode of The Stress Mastery Podcast. This week our topic is Connecting The Heart and today’s Meeting of the Minds we are discussing The Illusion of Stress. The question, is stress an illusion or is it something that each of us are destined to live our lives in? When we take a closer look...

Jan 29, 2019

Hello and Welcome to another episode of The Stress Mastery Podcast. This week our topic is Connecting The Heart and today’s Health Huddles we are discussing Heart Health. This is a subject that is layered in controversy that creates false beliefs that range from the highest level doctors to the trainer imparting...

Jan 28, 2019

Hello and welcome to another week of The Stress Mastery Podcast. This week’s topic is “Connecting the Heart.” Today’s Motivational Monday we will be discussing The Belief of Separation. Most people live in a state of stress due to what they see in their world  and life situation of ‘problems’. But, what if...

Jan 25, 2019

Hello and Welcome back to another episode of The Stress Mastery Podcast. Today we continue our book The War of Art by Steven Pressfield. We are continuing book one Resistance Defining the Enemy. In this section Pressfield defines all the aspects of resistance and how it weaves itself throughout our lives. This section...