Jun 29, 2018
In today’s episode Bill and David start a new book study by Osho, “Emotional Wellness.” This is a book on how to transform our fears into higher emotional energy giving us the freedom so many of us seek. In this show, Bill introduces us to the teacher Osho and highlights what the book will be covering and how...
Jun 28, 2018
This week’s topic in The Stress Mastery Podcast has been
Connection. In today’s episode
Bill and David talks ab out the connection to silence both in our
outer environment and our inner environment. Our society has
become so noisy that we do not even recognize it, but our body
still reacts to the noise. The reaction...
Jun 27, 2018
In today’s episode Bill and David continue the week’s focus on Connection by explaining the WANT Energy. The WANT Energy is powerful when mastered and connected but unconnected it becomes the power behind the Lack Program. The Lack Program keeps us trapped in struggle and want, never allowing us to connect to our...
Jun 26, 2018
Welcome back to another episode of the Stress Mastery Podcast in this episode Bill and David continue the week’s topic discussion, “Connection” with the first step that must happen in order for us to connect to our higher-self. This step is not meditation. It is not self-inquiry. It is not journaling, reading, or...
Jun 25, 2018
Hello and welcome to another week of The Stress Mastery Podcast. This week our topic is Connection. In today’s episode Bill and David talk about the process of waking the “I” of presence. When this awakening happens, we find true connection. This is connection to ourselves and everything the world has...